
Cost of Assisted Living

Cost of Assisted Living

Assisted Living Costs by Geographic Location

Just as the cost of real estate varies by geographic area, assisted living costs also vary nationwide. According to a Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs conducted by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife), the national average for assisted living base rates was $3,550 per month in 2012.

According to the 2013 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth Financial, assisted living showed the largest rate increase since 2012 among all categories of senior care, rising 4.55%. Residents of assisted living communities can typically expect a 3-5% annual increase in their base rate.

The table below shows the range of monthly assisted living costs by state in 2013* for a one-bedroom, single-occupancy assisted living apartment across the United States:

State Minimum Median Maximum
Alabama $1,700 $2,600 $5,691
Alaska $3,750 $6,000 $8,145
Arizona $1,500 $3,350 $5,930
Arkansas $1,025 $2,865 $4,238
California $933 $3,710 $8,445
Colorado $1,900 $3,520 $6,293
Connecticut $1,700 $5,000 $8,910
Delaware $3,150 $5,533 $6,990
Florida $913 $3,000 $6,510
Georgia $950 $2,703 $5,300
Hawaii $3,325 $4,200 $5,000
Idaho $2,100 $3,198 $4,500
Illinois $1,732 $4,050 $6,345
Indiana $1,530 $3,705 $6,210
Iowa $1,290 $3,150 $4,920
Kansas $2,025 $3,490 $6,000
Kentucky $1,170 $2,720 $6,450
Louisiana $1,975 $3,150 $5,759
Maine $1,800 $4,500 $7,415
Maryland $1,000 $3,400 $7,680
Massachusetts $3,000 $4,950 $8,000
Michigan $718 $2,850 $6,975
Minnesota $1,493 $3,350 $7,500
Mississippi $1,800 $3,000 $5,040
Missouri $1,310 $2,288 $5,130
Montana $2,100 $3,600 $4,975
Nebraska $1,076 $3,360 $5,745
Nevada $1,750 $2,850 $4,500
New Hampshire $2,100 $3,589 $6,825
New Jersey $2,559 $5,994 $7,860
New Mexico $2,500 $3,518 $5,491
New York $1,500 $3,950 $9,500
North Carolina $1,182 $2,900 $6,748
North Dakota $1,250 $2,852 $4,050
Ohio $1,980 $3,920 $7,770
Oklahoma $900 $2,967 $5,800
Oregon $2,309 $4,023 $6,570
Pennsylvania $1,000 $3,175 $7,800
Rhode Island $2,203 $4,148 $6,366
South Carolina $1,122 $3,000 $5,775
South Dakota $1,900 $3,036 $4,338
Tennessee $1,500 $3,525 $6,000
Texas $1,200 $3,336 $6,500
Utah $1,890 $2,888 $5,000
Vermont $1,788 $3,750 $7,210
Virginia $1,079 $3,775 $7,000
Washington $1,075 $4,250 $7,500
West Virginia $1,800 $3,250 $5,679
Wisconsin $1,460 $3,538 $7,050
Wyoming $1,489 $3,300 $5,150
*From the Genworth Financial 2013 Cost of Care Survey.

The states with the most expensive median monthly assisted living costs are:

  1. Alaska – $6,000
  2. New Jersey – $5,994
  3. Delaware – $5,533
  4. Connecticut – $5,000
  5. Massachusetts – $4,950

The states with the least expensive median monthly assisted living costs are:

  1. Missouri – $2,288
  2. Alabama – $2,600
  3. Georgia – $2,703
  4. Kentucky – $2,720
  5. Michigan – $2,850

Additional Costs for Assisted Living

Assisted living communities charge a refundable deposit fee, which secures a particular apartment within the community for a specific period of time (usually two weeks). Once a resident moves in, this deposit usually applies towards a community fee (terms for the name of this fee may vary).

Ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, this fee is non-refundable and covers administrative expenses and the cost of apartment renovations between residents. Other assisted living costs may include fees for private transportation, off-site activities, guest meals and use of a guest apartment within the community. (from source )


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