Floors and Rugs
Arrange furniture and remove cluƩ er so there are clear walking pathways
Remove or secure throw rugs and scaƩ er mats with gripper rug pads
Indoor and Outdoor Stairs
Take your Ɵ me! Rushing is a major cause of falls
Keep stairs free of cluƩ er and consider installing handrails on each side
Keep stairs well lit and mark edges of steps with contrasƟ ng tape or paint
Place non-skid strips on tub or shower fl oors and secure bath mats
Securely install grab bars in the tub, shower and next to the toilet
Install adjustable height shower heads or a hand-held shower head
Place heavier and frequently used items within easy reach
If you have to climb to reach items, use a sturdy stepladder with safety bar/handgrip
Use a long-handled reacher for lightweight items on high shelves
Put a lamp in an easy to reach place by the bed
Use a night light to mark the path between your bedroom and bathroom
Consider siƫ ng down when dressing and using long-handled shoe horns
The research is clear. People want to live independently in their own homes as they age.
Making simple changes (home modifi caƟ ons) can help. So why don’t more people make these
changes? Consider these common myths . . . and the realiƟ es.